Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement

As a live entertainment and music festival business, Superstruct Entertainment and each of its group undertakings has a responsibility to ensure that our operations and supply chains are free from any form of modern slavery or human trafficking. This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 for the financial year ending 31 December 2023.

Our business

Superstruct Entertainment is a global platform of premium live music festivals and music events in Europe and Australia. It is backed by Providence Equity, a leading global investor in Media, Entertainment, Communications and Education industries.

Our policies

As part of our work to identify and mitigate the risk of modern slavery or human trafficking in our operations and supply chains, we have implemented certain processes and are committed to developing the following actions:

• Code of Conduct: Suppliers will be required to undertake to comply with our Group Code of Conduct in relation to areas including modern slavery and human trafficking risks in our operations and supply chains.

• Contracting: We will continue to include clauses in the contractual terms and conditions used with suppliers that contain specific prohibitions against the use of forced, compulsory or trafficked labour, or anyone held in slavery or servitude, whether adults or children, together with
termination rights if this policy is breached.

• Whistleblowing policy: We will make our whistleblowing hotline available to members of our business as well as suppliers.

• Conducting due diligence: We will conduct due diligence on our suppliers and business partners
to ensure that they comply with our ethical standards and that they do not engage in any form of modern slavery or human trafficking.

• Providing training: We will provide training to our employees who work in areas exposed to a high level of risk in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking, including how to identify and report any concerns or suspected incidents.

• Monitoring and reporting: We will monitor and report on our efforts to combat modern slavery and human trafficking and regularly review our policies and procedures to ensure their effectiveness.

As part of our commitment to combat modern slavery and human trafficking, Superstruct Entertainment will publish an annual Modern Slavery Statement that outlines our efforts in this area.

This Modern Slavery Statement has been approved by the board of Superstruct Entertainment Limited on 2 July 2024.